Sunday, January 8, 2012
Read Post: Who Said I Don't Go to Church?
Read Post: Fruit Salad Party
Monday, January 9, 2012
Read Post: Sorry it's a No Go - In Living Color
Entry Time: 1:16am Late Night (Technically Tuesday a.m)
Lazy and Unmotivated
Last week I was Lazy and Proud, now I'm Lazy and Unmotivated. I just got off the phone with my friend Rosie and a few hours before I was talking to Joey-O. Joey-O was on my Motown Maurice Show staff in 2010 plus I interviewed him on Hustle & Shuffle. The conversation entailed the role of me mentoring him about Hollywood. Post conversations with Rosie & Joey, I felt a pulse of energy. Probably the only two jolts of energy I've had all today. As a matter of fact, I began writing this immediately after talking to Rosie. When I wasn't working on my blog I was sleeping and if not that, I was playing video games on my tablet. Its all about Gun Bros right now (My tablet was really a great investment.) Moreover, its obvious but my energy is really low. Sorry it's a No Go - In Living Color made me feel numb. I'm so immune to disappointment right now the results didn't matter. I think my blog is what kept my energy leveled when I received negative notice. Once I was done blogging earlier today, I went straight to the bed and slept for hours.
Not Qualified Anymore
While in bed, a few texts made me smile. Getting noticed in a Snoop Dogg Music Video would make any body smile. Thanks for the texts Tarik Jackson. Communication with people is always a good energy remedy. At the least, it provides a boost of energy. Then the're times when people unintentionally alter energy. Earlier, I expressed some of my deep thoughts with my friend Jasmine (through text) and my Beatice, the current person I'm staying with. They both suggested the typical stance of getting a part-time job. My agent even suggested that earlier today through email. No can do! I am no longer qualified to fill out an application for a job that requires me to clock in. As a long time business owner, I won't disrespect another business by applying for a position I don't want just for money. I refuse to give money that much power. Yes, the reality of my LA status is homeless when I return but I'm not worried about it. I'm in thought, deep thought and things will work out. Things always work out.
This Has an Blog Upgrade
I've found a new excitement in my blog upon writing this entry. During the Last Week of 2011, I made a daily entry. I was able to capture all my thoughts and expressions in real time. Moments before my mind was infused this idea, I thought about my The Last Week of 2011 post. Now, from this day forth, when I have something on my mind I'll publish it. One small I idea can completely change the landscape of the future. This one small idea revamped my blog and added additional value. This is exciting. I don't know why I didn't do this before.
At the end of a week, my thoughts are never the same and it makes me feel like I'm not being honest when I'm publishing. Not anymore. Now with this idea, I don't have to carry any baggage with me throughout the week. I can quickly get ride of it because blogging bring closure.
Tuesday, January 10, 2011
10:17pm (EST )
A New Attitude
Something is happening inside of me. The transformation is taking place. I feel antsy and restless. I'm actually started to look forward to returning back to LA. My sign of productivity is with this blog and that's not enough for me anymore. I'm near fully recharged. In the next few days I'm going to visit some friends followed up by a weekend of drinks and partying (Hopefully). If I get to drink and party that will seal the deal for me. That will officially tap my tolerance of this lazy vacation. I'll be back in LA stronger that ever. I feel a New Attitude.I hope Hollywood is ready. I'll soon be back.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
5:41pm (EST)
My attitude is new but I'm sure still sleeping a lot. I just woke up from a nap but not long before then I woke up from my nights sleep. I went to bed around 3:30am in the morning and woke up around 12:30pm. At the most I was up for an hour or two and went back to sleep (nap) to wake up and write this blog. I'm still slightly unmotivated and I feel lazy but I'm getting it out of my system one nap at a time. I know myself very well. I've been in this place several times before. Its just a matter of time before I'm at full strength again. Last night I contemplated on the idea of creating a full feature documentary in 2012. I even emailed a film maker in regards to a partnership. Part of the reason, I'm awoke right now because I woke up to a email from my friend Keto. In the email he's introducing me to a very important CNN contact. A contact I need to contact right now.
Read Post: Friends...How Many of Us Have Them
(Also Related to: Friday & Saturday)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Read Post:Clubbing at Blue Martini Boca Raton
Friday, January 13, 2012
Read Post: Sunny Isles Beach & Denny's
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Read Post: The New Year Starts Now
Final Thoughts
What a contrast between week 69 & week 70 has been thus far. I had it good in Florida and now I'm going through warfare in week 70. I never imagined it getting this bad. Week 70 is really beating me up right now but I won't give up. I can't.
As the quest continues...
The Future of Late Night
Motown Maurice
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