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Sunday Fun Day - Nail Polish Haul

Hey there!

Last week Walgreens put all of their Sinful Colors nail polishes on sale for .99 cents (to my knowledge it was all of them. I didn't hear that the special edition ones weren't on sale too but I could be mistaken). I don't have to tell anyone that I RAN to Walgreens to get every Sinful Colors nail polish that I didn't have. I have some Walgreens points/money so even though it looks like I spent a lot of money, I didn't really. And remember, each polish was only .99 cents! 

Just a bit on my nail polish collection. It's not massive or anything and it's not exclusively drugstore or mostly high end -- it's a mix. I just like nail polish. I don't change my hair color or even my hair cut that often. Polish is something I can change every week or so. I can go very demure with a soft pink or mauve or I can go all out and wear a bright red or silver or a funky blue color. Until very recently, I kept all my nail polish in boxes and on my dresser and in my dresser drawers and anywhere else I could find space. So, when I needed a particular color or shade and couldn't find it, I'd either stop looking for it or just pick up another color similar. And then I stumbled on the perfect box and created the perfect spacers for that box.

I'll get to that in a second.

I had a few Sinful Colors nail polish shades before this Walgreens haul but I used this as my opportunity to beef up my collection. I picked up 20 new colors to add to the 11 that I already had. I didn't stop at the safe pink, peach and nude colors. I added some purples, blues, greens and deep reds. At .99 cents, I thought it was a smart move.

I visited 4 different Walgreens locations and they were all nicely stocked up. It appeared that had pulled out all of the shades from the back rooms and all the locations had them arranged nicely in their cases. I was pretty proud of Walgreens for keeping it all organized! Normally when I stop by my Walgreens locations, finding the collection (makeup ,nails, whatever) that I'm looking for is a hit or miss and a hit might mean that whatever I'm looking for is in the middle of a bit of a mess.

That was not the case this time. I was able to pick up 20 fan-tabulous colors to add to my collection. My toes and hands are going to be very happy this summer!! My Monday Nail Polish Change blogs are going to be full!

I also used this opportunity to show off my latest DIY project on Instagram!! If you've been on my Instagram page you saw that I made some inserts for my nail polish containers. There aren't perfect or anything but I am sooo proud of these! I mean look at it!! LOL. I took time out each evening after work for about 4 days to create this (it may only take 2 days now that I've done my starter one). If you are interested in a quick tutorial, let me know and I might add one to my Monday posts.

So get ready peeps! There's going to be quite a bit of nail polishing going on this summer!

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