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Hit The Bottle Nail Art Challenge - Geometric

I'm going strong with the Hit The Bottle Nail Art challenge.  I'm already on the second prompt.  It really seems kinda odd to me to be back doing a nail art challenge but soooo familiar at the same time.  Despite only having to do one prompt a week.  I'm not sure I have ever done that before.  Anyway, today's prompt is geometric. 

This mani I probably could have used for last week's neon prompt but what can I say?  I love neon polishes and Michelle has some awesome ones. For my gradient I used Hit The Bottle Shazam Yellow, Orange You Excited and I Pink Therefore I Am, and stamped using As Black As Night.  Image is from What's Up Nails Geo-Radical.


It's kinda funny looking at the pictures for this mani because in person I couldn't see any white bits coming through but they are clear as day in these pics.  This mani is also much brighter in person.  I absolutely loved wearing it!  Now to start getting some ideas for next week's prompt - negative space.

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