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Nimbus Nail Art (The Nailasaurus' technique)

Hello all!

For today's design, I recreated the Nimbus Nails from The Nailasaurus. Mine look a bit different from hers but I looooove how they turned out!
I used The Nailusaurus great tutorial, which you can find here.

Everything is explained very clearly in her tutorial, so I will not elaborate here on how I created these nails as I just followed her tutorial. I did however change one thing: instead of acetone, I just used nail polish remover to thin the polish (because I don't own acetone, to be honest).

I think that because of the remover, my design turned out a bit different: the layers of polish are not so thin as The Nailasaurus' layers are. I don't mind this at all however, because I adore how these nails turned out!

I used my new purple polishes fom Guylond, which unfortunately do not have a name - I bought them in a "create ombre nails" pack together. The one big polish on the left is nr. 12 from Hema.

I also added two gold studs because I like the combination of purple and gold :)

So, do you like these? They were definitely a lot of fun to make, so I will try to create these again with some other colours!

Thanks for reading!

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