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I just want to say thank you so much for all your kind words and support in restoring the blog! They really mean so much to me and were truly my driving force as I was reloading the photos. It took the majority of my day off yesterday plus the day before to finish, but was completely worth it just too see all the photos back up in their place. I still need to restore the press release page, but the swatches page, tutorials page, and all the posts are done!!

It has been amazing watching the snapshot page go from all black...
...to this...

...to this...

...to this...

...to completely filled in and done!

I'm pretty sure I restored them all, but if you ever spot the nasty black box instead of a photo on my blog, please, please, please let me know so I can fix it!!

Thank you again! I'm truly touched by you encouraging comments!

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

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