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The world is covered with darkness.  However, that's fine because I have a flashlight.  However, if the flashlight doesn't work, then I'll be shrouded in darkness again.  So I better make sure that my flashlight works.  And if my flashlight doesn't work, I can still find my way through the darkness.  Yeah, I'll move a bit slower.  My hand will be reached outward as he cautiously make my way through the darkness.  Then my hand will reach for the nearest light switch and illumination shall return once again.  Thankfully, I got a flashlight that works.  I got a flashlight that provides illumination.  I got a flashlight that breaks through the darkness.  Just remember that it's only a few more hours before morning arrives.  And when the morning arrives, the darkness is finally chased away and replaced by the day.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  It's still night and there's still darkness all around me.
And as I'm lost in thought as I'm lost in the darkness of night, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Amanda Rose, Ashley Tisdale and Sarah Michelle Gellar
Ashley Tisdale


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