I am reminded by the lovely Muscato at the world of wonders that is Cafe Muscato, that yesterday would have been the 97th birthday of the glittering and feisty Alice Faye.
The great man's tribute to Miss Faye is far more erudite than anything I would care to add, so without further ado, let us just enjoy a small sample of her talent and chutzpah, accompanied here by her husband Phil Harris and the arch-crooner Bing Crosby...
As I recounted over at Muscato's place, one of my earliest musical treats was discovering my grandparent's surviving 78rpm records, among which were such gems as Les Compagnons de la Chanson Trois Cloches and Alice Faye's Alexander's Ragtime Band. I adored her voice, even as a small child. And here is the original...
An inspiration.
Alice Faye official website
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