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Stephen Colbert lights up the Donald Trump 'Pants-on-Fireplace' yule log - EW.com

Stephen Colbert found a way to make use of all President Trump‘s false and misleading claims by introducing Donald Trump’s Pants-on-Fireplace, an alternative to your traditional yule log experience this holiday season.

Colbert and his crew at The Late Show put together an hourlong video for you and the family to air in the background of whatever holiday festivities will be thrown this month. It’s footage of Trump’s pants smoldering on top of a fireplace while some of his more famous “lies” populate the screen. Quotes like, “I have the best words,” “I’m probably the least racist person there is,” and “I had good support from Muslims during my presidential run.”

Also repurposed for kindling are the Trump-fueled birther conspiracy against former President Barack Obama, Trump’s lie about seeing “thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey “cheering” the 9/11 terrorist attack, and all his claims about the hurricane disaster in Puerto Rico.

It’s a special yule log for these especially troubling times.

Colbert’s yule log is in the spirit of what Trevor Noah and The Daily Show did in 2016, except theirs was more focused on Trump and the supposed war on Christmas. There’s a bit of crossover here.

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