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Shark Tank's Barbara Corcoran Says Jay Z Deserves to Be a Billionaire

It became officially yesterday that Jay Z is now a billionaire; the first Hip Hop billionaire. A lot of people have commented on this, and the latest to do so is Shark Tank's Barbara Corcoran. Her show, Shark Tank is a business related television series, where entrepreneurs get to bring their dreams to fruition.

TMZ caught up with Barbara on the streets yesterday, and asked her if she knew Jay Z was now a billionaire, and she responded with...

Image result for barbara corcoran interview with tmz"Yea, he deserves it. Come on. He is a self promoter, he works his ass off, why shouldn't he be a billionaire? I bet he will be a good shark. Why not. I'll make sure he gets invited."

For the record, Barbara Corcoran made her money from real estate, and she has a net worth of $80 million. She has been in the real estate business in America for over 40 years, and she is currently 70 years old. You can watch her full TMZ interview below...

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